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MQONCO-Liquid Biopsy (CTC)

Specimen: Blood in Cell-Save Tubes 10 ml

Method: Cell Search- Microscopy

Temperature Requirement: Ambient temperature

Reported on: 10 Working Days

General Instructions: Complete clinical data

Liquid biopsy, specifically the detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), is a non-invasive diagnostic technique used in oncology to assess and monitor cancer. Unlike traditional tissue biopsies, which involve the removal of a sample of the tumor or affected tissue, liquid biopsies involve the analysis of various components in a patient’s bodily fluids, such as blood or urine, to gather information about the presence and characteristics of cancer cells.

Here are some key points about liquid biopsy, particularly in the context of CTCs:

1) Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs): CTCs are cancer cells that have detached from the primary tumor or metastatic sites and entered the bloodstream. These cells can travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body and potentially form new tumors, a process known as metastasis. CTCs can carry valuable information about the primary tumor’s genetic mutations and characteristics.

2) Purpose of CTC Detection: The detection and analysis of CTCs serve several purposes in cancer care:

  • Early Detection: Liquid biopsies can help detect cancer at an early stage, potentially before symptoms develop.
  • Treatment Monitoring: CTC analysis can be used to monitor the effectiveness of cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or targeted therapy.
  • Assessing Disease Progression: Changes in CTC levels and characteristics can provide insights into disease progression or recurrence.
  • Personalized Medicine: CTC analysis can help guide treatment decisions by identifying specific genetic mutations or biomarkers associated with the cancer, allowing for targeted therapies.

Methods of CTC Detection: Various techniques are used to isolate and detect CTCs from a patient’s blood sample. These methods include immunomagnetic separation, microfluidic devices, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify and analyze specific DNA or RNA markers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Preventive Health Checkup?
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What is included in Preventive Health Checkup?
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Why is it important to do preventive screenings?
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Which Health Checkup is good?
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What are the types of health screening?
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Explain the complete process involved
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